Welcome to the Rankins v. Old Lyme Class Action Website.

If you purchased Deep River brand potato chips labeled “Non-GMO Ingredients” from February 2, 2017, through December 6, 2024, you may be eligible for a monetary payment from a class action Settlement.

A Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit against Old Lyme Gourmet Co. (Deep River Snacks) (“Defendant”) that alleged the Defendant labeled certain Deep River brand chips with the “Non-GMO Ingredients” graphic, which gave consumers the impression the Products were certified by a third-party, such as the Non-GMO Project, as being free from genetically modified ingredients. Plaintiffs allege that the Products were not certified by a third-party. The Defendant denies these allegations. The Court has not decided who is right.

You are a “Settlement Class Member” if you are a person in the United States who purchased any of the Products (potato chips sold under the Deep River brand name labeled with the “Non-GMO Ingredients” graphic) from February 2, 2017, through December 6, 2024, for personal or household use.

Monetary Benefits Available to Settlement Class Members: Settlement Class Members who submit a valid and timely Claim Form by the deadline are eligible for the following monetary payment:

  1. Valid Claim with Proof of Purchase: If you are a Settlement Class Member and submit a Valid Claim with proof of purchase for each claimed Product, you will receive $5.00 for the first Product and $0.50 for each additional Product. There is no limitation to the number of Products you can seek a monetary payment for if proof of purchase is provided for each claimed Product with your Claim Form.
  2. Valid Claim without Proof of Purchase: If you are a Settlement Class Member and submit a Valid Claim without proof of purchase, you will receive $5.00 for the first Product and $0.50 for each additional Product up to a maximum of 10 additional Products.

If you are a Settlement Class Member and submit a Valid Claim for Products with both Proof of Purchase and without Proof of Purchase, the monetary payment benefits will be combined. Each Household is limited to and may only submit one single Claim Form.

Non-Monetary Benefit: The Defendant agrees to stop using the Product Labeling “Non-GMO Ingredients” graphic on the packaging of its Products.

This website explains important rights you may have. Please review it carefully. You may read the Notice on the Important Documents page.

Your Legal Rights and Options in This Lawsuit
Submit a Claim
By July 28, 2025

The only way to get a monetary payment is to submit a valid and timely Claim Form.

Exclude Yourself
By March 25, 2025

Get no monetary payment and keep any right to file your own lawsuit against the Released Parties about the legal claims in this lawsuit that are released by the Agreement (“Settlement Agreement”).

By March 25, 2025

Tell the Court why you do not like the Settlement. You will still be bound by the Settlement if the Court approves it, and you may still file a Claim Form and receive a monetary payment.

Do Nothing

Get no monetary payment. Give up your legal rights.

These rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained further in the Notice and on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page of this website.